Monday, March 26, 2012

New Lambs Make Their Arrival

It's that time of the year again.  The days begin to get longer, the grass begins to get green, and every sheep herd gets bigger.  Yes, our flock has several wonderful new additions now.  These lambs are our new Cotswold-Romney / Border Leicester crosses.

Here a couple of them say hello to you.....

"Baaa"  (translated mean "Hi there!")

We had nine total babies.  Four ewe lambs and five ram lambs.  What makes this so exciting is that the father for all of them is my premier Ram Ceasar.  He is a registered Border Leicester, so he has wonderful wool that is high luster curls that most people mistake for mohair.  It's an unusual trait, but one we love him for.

The lambs all show great promise with their wool too.  The ewe lambs will be held over, re-bred to Ceasar, in an attempt to reproduce his unusual wool.

Here are some pictures of our new additions....

Just a couple of hours old here.

Stay tuned, next week brings Shearing Day!

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